Do Betta Fish Sleep

People are fond of keeping fish as a pet. It increases the attractiveness of the interior of your home.

So, having a betta fish as a pet, you’ll want to know all details about it. One might think the silliest question is DO BETTA FISH SLEEP or not?

But this is a question raised by many people. This question is raised while a hobbyist finds a betta fish motionless and thinks that the fish is dead. Like all human beings, all fish including betta fish need sleep.

So, the quick answer is yes betta fish sleep. They need sleep to be healthy. They can sleep while they are floating on the water surface or lying at the bottom of the water tank. You can also find them on the leaf or a place of the water tank where they can doze off.

But fish are different from human beings. They are always alert even when sleeping. They can react to various threats and alert to danger as well. But different betta fish reacts in different ways. Some betta fish sleep at night and some betta fishes rest during the day. So, don’t be worried if you see your betta fish motionless and lying at the bottom of the water tank, they’re just napping.


It’s not like you can tell when your betta fish is asleep since they do not have eyelids. So, how should you know that they are sleeping or snoozing? Here are some indications that may give you a clue:

  • They used to hide inside or behind the decoration of the water tank.
  • They are lying on their side.
  • They are floating at the surface for a long time.
  • You may find them stuck between two decorations.
  • They can even lie on the plant leaf.
  • They can lie on the gravel.

But your betta fish may snooze in different places. So, you will have to set up your water tank for their sleeping comfort. You may find your betta fish sleep at the bottom or corner of the water tank. You shouldn’t disturb them while they’re taking a nap. Disturbing may cause stress among them and can cause a shortened life span.


Yes, betta fish sleep on their side. Many people think that they are sick but if you see closely then, you will notice that they are taking rest at the bottom of the water tank or floating on the surface of the water. So, you shouldn’t be worried about seeing them motionless.

But it is important to know whether the betta fish is lying on the side for a long time. It might be a sign of something more serious. It may be due to a swim bladder issue or disease that affects their buoyancy.


You may also notice that your betta fish is sleeping at the bottom of the water tank. This is not uncommon either. It depends on different situations. If the filter current of the aquarium is too strong, then your betta fish may be sleeping there to get rest. Betta fish are used to still pons, and too much current will add stress to them.

Another reason might be the temperature differences of the Aquarium. The betta fish is moving to a different location or spot for better comfort.


Many betta fishes will sleep on leaves. This provides enough support to them and in this way, the betta fish can stay comfortable. You can install some plants in the aquarium for their comfort.  Your betta fish will love to sleep on that.  Add live or plastic plants.  Avoid cloth or items with metal that can leech into the water.


At night, while the lights will be off, you can watch your betta fish sleep in the aquarium. They can rest frequently during the day. Bettas have different personalities. Some of them act very lazily and sleep during the day as well. On the other hand, many betta fish are active all the hours of day and night.

But remember when your betta is sleeping or resting, don’t disturb them or bother them. You shouldn’t put your finger inside or tap on the aquarium. No need to stress out your betta fish.

Remember, your betta fish needs something to sleep on. Betta fish may choose to float on the surface or sleep on a leaf or log. then, you should not be worried.

Follow good aquarium management practices by testing the water frequently and this will keep your betta fish happy.

If you haven’t checked out my Beginner Betta Fish Care Guide, click here

Or for more advanced information on caring for Betta Fish, my friend Marcus Song has an eBook called Caring For Betta Fish: An Insider’s Guide For Betta Lovers

Even your Betta Fish wants a hammock – here is a 4 Piece Betta Bed Leaf Hammock for under $10 with over 700 reviews.